
Commitment for an ecological citizen: the CM LS is developing a network of operational partners

Published on March 29, 2019

The Missionary Center Laudato Si is committed to developing solidarity and partnerships with local civil society organizations to promote environmental protection and ecological citizen in a holistic way. It is in this context that the center hosted, on 29 March 2019 at its compound the organization "COUNTERPART INTERNATIONAL", an NGO working for the promotion of democracy and peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, as part of an awareness-raising activity for about a hundred students of the AFRIKA School Complex and SAINT THEOPHILE College.
The LAUDATO SI Center was represented by the coordination team through the Director, Mrs NKOY MPUTU BOOTO Odile, the Executive Secretary, Mr KUTUKA MUDIANGU Ignace and the Thematic Assistant, Miss NKOY IHOMI Caroline.
During this activity, the CM LS Thematic Assistant made a presentation on the identity and mission of the Center before engaging in a question and answer session with the participating students to arouse their curiosity about environmental issues.

The exchanges with the participants allowed the LAUDATO SI Center team to present its different fields of intervention, particularly in the field of animation and formation. Its current priorities include environmental education as part of raising awareness among both urban and rural populations, particularly young school children, of the need to take into account the environmental challenges of our time: pollution (waste management and treatment), climate change, water issues and biodiversity loss. The effects of the various problems cause serious environmental and social degradation, especially among the most disadvantaged populations.

The commitment of young school children to improving their immediate environment by carrying out small "green" actions on a daily basis (participation in hygiene and sanitation work at home and at school, use of waste bins to dispose of waste and garbage, correct closing of taps to avoid wasting water, correct use of electricity at home and at school....).

The various interventions and exchanges, which were relevant, highlighted the strong links between the promotion of democracy, peace, development and the protection of the environment as human rights. The CM LS was encouraged to intensify this kind of initiative to mobilise everyone for the safeguarding of our common house.

Kinshasa 29th March 2019
Miss NKOY IHOMI Caroline
Thematic Assistant                     


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